- Check your vent pipes. Look outside to make sure that nothing is blocking the fresh air in-take and the exhaust. Many newer modern furnaces have their fresh air intakes and exhausts run through the side of the home. Sometimes windblown leaves, insects, snow, ice crystals and moisture can block these pipes and plague heating systems. Keeping these pipes clear is vital to the operation of your furnace. If the system has power and all looks normal, consult a licensed technician about possible solutions.
- Check your electrical breaker. Verify that the breaker in your electrical panel that feeds your furnace has not tripped for some unknown reason. If it has tripped, try resetting it. If it trips again you may want to call a professional.
- Check the wall mounted power switch. Today’s electrical code calls for installation of a power switch between the entrance of the furnace room (or area) and the location of the furnace for safety reasons. It is quite common for people to unknowingly shut off this switch mistaking it for a light switch. Verifying that it is in the ON position could save you a service call.
- Check that the furnace panels are in place properly. Most furnaces have a safety switch built in that will shut the furnace off if the panels are removed. This is a safety device to prevent injury. If the panels are not positioned and latched properly, the furnace will remain inoperable.
- Check the gas shut off valve. All gas appliances are required to have an accessible manual shut off valve near the appliance. Verify that the handle is in the same direction as the gas line. In case it was shut off inadvertently return it to the on position, verify you do not smell gas, cycle the power off to the furnace, and operation should resume.
What to do when your furnace stops?
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